Public Evaluation on Media Credibility

Research Background

This survey research project aims to examine public evaluation of the credibility of different kinds of news media in Hong Kong, including electronic media, newspapers, and online media

Survey Method

Mode of Interview

Interviewed by interviewers in form of Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) 

Survey Respondent

Hong Kong People aged 18 or above and speaking Cantonese

Sampling Method

Random Sampling of Hong Kong telephone numbers

Fixed line

After successful contact with the household, if there were more than one member at home eligible for an interview, we would employ the “Next Birthday Rule” method to select the eligible member whose birthday comes soonest.

Mobile phone

After successful contact with the phone user, the eligible respondents will be invited for interview.

*Prior to 2019, the survey was conducted through fixed line phones only. Since 2019, it was transitioned to a mixed mode of fixed line and mobile phones.

Sample Information

Year Survey Period Sample Size Sampling Error at 95% Confidence Level Response Rate
2006 24-28/02 1,044 ± 3.0% 35%
2009 8-9, 14-17, 20-21/04 1,034 ± 3.0% 41%
2010 28-29, 31/10; 1, 3, 24/11; 1/12 1,206 ± 2.8% 41%
2013 27-29/11; 1-6, 8-9/12 945 ± 3.2% 39%
2016 15-19/, 21-25/8 907 ± 3.2% 35%
2019 14-16, 19-23, 26/8 1,079 ± 3.0% 43%
2022 22-24, 27-30/6, 4-8, 11/7 994 ± 3.1% 41%